Thursday, October 23, 2014

Abiding Wealth: Happiness Even When Your Finances Are a Mess

“I’m amazed that you can be so happy when your finances are such a mess!”

John, my inspiration
My boyfriend John startled me with this comment as we walked through the parking lot of his apartment complex, laughing, flirting, and enjoying the almost summer as dusk sky.  I was giggling, which earned me the nickname “giggly girl” in my 40’s from my eleven-year-old friend, Ian.  My reply to John was immediate “Why would I not be happy?  Happiness and finances have nothing to do with each other!”

I was actually puzzled about why he had put happiness and finances together and when I asked him about this he said “Maybe the two are not related for you now, but I bet they were in the past, before you did all the personal growth workshops and everything else you have done over the last 30 years.”   This got me thinking.  Had it been different?  Had I been miserable when broke in the past?  Sure enough, I could recall times like.  I had even been suicidal in 1988 over debts I had to the Internal Revenue Service!

In the current economic times we are living in, perhaps what I have learned over the last 30 years would support you, dear reader, to experience more happiness too, regardless of what your current financial state?  If so, come along on this journey, as I re-trace the steps and influences I’ve been through over the last 30 years to shift my perspective.

I’d like to support you in having the peace-of-mind I’ve found in a much shorter time frame.  How does that sound?  If you are game, click on the following link, like button, or re-tweet!  Please invite any of your friends who might want this kind of support to join us too.  After all, it’s free so what do you have to lose?  Together, we can grow, lighten things up, and/or even save a life or two in the process.

As for today, I’ll suffice to say “Happiness is an inside job.”  This is the best news really because it means that you have the power to be happy, that nobody else can take this away from you, and that no life circumstance can effect your decision to be happy.  Are you ready to commit to it today?   

I’d love to hear what comes up for you when you hear that happiness is an inside job.  Do you feel excited?  Dubious?  Overwhelmed?  Please share below! 

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